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2025-26 Admission Deadline Dates

January 15 -  Admission Application Due
January 22 - Recommendations/Supporting Materials Due
February 1 - Tuition Assistance Application Due
March 7 - Decision Notification Via Email
March 21 - Enrollment Contract & Deposit Due
June 1, 4:00 pm - Enrollment Contract Binding Date

Tuition Assistance at The River School

The River School values a dynamic and socio-economically diverse school community and makes a significant commitment to tuition assistance to ensure that all students have an opportunity to benefit from a River School education. The River School Tuition Assistance Program is designed to assist families with financial need by covering costs associated with tuition and other school expenses.

River's Tuition Assistance Program is separate from the admission process and is managed by the Business Office. Tuition assistance-awards at The River School are based solely upon demonstrated need and are determined annually. Our Admission Committee, without regard to tuition assistance applications, makes all admission decisions. Admission and tuition assistance decisions are made in separate processes; application for tuition assistance will not affect admission decisions. Please be aware that The River School may not have sufficient funds to provide tuition assistance grants to all qualified applicants.


2025-2026 School Year Applicants

Applications Due February 1, 2025

We are excited to announce that The River School has chosen Clarity as our new Tuition Assistance application system, starting with admissions for the 2025-2026 school year. Our goal is to make the process as easy as possible for your family. Clarity offers a streamlined and user-friendly tuition application process that can take as few as 20 minutes to complete. It is mobile-friendly, so you can complete your application on your phone or tablet! Furthermore, your 1040 and W2 documents from 2023 will be automatically transferred from the IRS when you complete the verification step, so you will no longer need to upload those documents manually. Get started with Clarity.

Email the Business Office with questions about the Tuition Assistance Program or call 202.337.3554.

The River School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious affiliation, gender, ethnic or national origin in the administration of its admission, financial aid and other school-administered programs.

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