“The River School’s focus on the early years of childhood education is one of the things I am most grateful for. It sends its graduates off in to the world as fully formed, confident students able to assert themselves as leaders no matter where they end up after 3rd grade.”—Max Culhane
Alumni parent of a “lifer” who graduated after 7 years at The River School and now attends Maret.
The Move to Upper Elementary
Grade 3 is an exciting year for our students whether they plan to stay at River for Upper Elementary or move on to other independent or public schools. Our Grade 3 "Falcons" take the lead in a spring performance, participate in a series of writer’s workshops, research and present experiment findings during our Science Fair, serve as book buddies and mentors to younger children, welcome prospective families, and go on an overnight camping trip. Each year we watch our Falcon students become newly poised and confident. By Grade 3, each child has found their voice.
Third Grade is the year when families might choose the Outplacement process for their next school after River. The Outplacement Team works with this class throughout the process to find the best match for a student’s next school. Additionally, River's Upper Elementary team offers presentations, observations and discussions on our exciting, innovative Upper Elementary program.
The Outplacement process includes:
- A parent group meeting in spring of Grade 2;
- Individual parent meetings early in Grade 3 to discuss each child and next school options;
- Outplacement Team conducts practice interviews with students;
- Teachers incorporate study and test-taking skills into lesson plans;
- In February, the Outplacement Team visits the admission officers in each school to advocate for Grade 3 students; and,
- Support during your decision-making process in selecting your next school in mid-March.

River School students have been accepted to the following independent schools:
- Bullis School
- Burgundy Farm Country Day
- Flint Hill School
- Georgetown Day School
- Grace Episcopal Day School
- Green Acres School
- Holton-Arms School
- Landon School
- The Langley School
- Maret School
- McLean School of Maryland
- National Cathedral School
- National Presbyterian School
- Norwood School
- Potomac School
- St. Albans School
- St. Andrew’s Episcopal School
- St. Patrick’s Episcopal Day School
- St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School
- Sheridan School
- Sidwell Friends
- Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart
- Washington Episcopal School
- Washington International School